Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wind outta my sails

Can I just say I was so excited/nervous when I pressed the button to apply for the Nike Women's Marathon.  And when we found out that we did not make it I was so heart broken.  I have gone back to my sluggish ways! Cassandra and I teach so we are not able to travel, especially in late summer early fall.  I need to get my lazy butt back out there! I need motivation...a goal.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Girls have we come any closer to deciding where it shall be? I had a bummer, I fell down the steps outside our house, cracked a rib and twisted my knee pretty good! Definitely no running this week, hopefully by next week! 

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I say NYC or the marine corps. marathon in DC. They are both in october or september, I forget. Here are some pics of my morning runs in Hawaii this past week. Talk about making running fun!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Not Selected

Wells girls...we didn't make it.

I know we originally intended to do all this great running with the idea of a marathon at the end, but we need to look at some other options...I still think we should totally keep going on our running until we figure out something else.

Post some ideas here when you get a chance...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Ok, I have granted you each with Admin privileges of this blog...I also have an area on our side bar for miles logged...I would love to see how many miles we run all together this summer. Please update miles as you go...Let me know if you have any questions.
Yay! Our little blog is back online! This makes me oh so happy..I kept waiting for an email from Blogger saying we were ok...oh well, I'm excited to be back online.

Alyss, I think it is great that you are starting out running...I am pretty much doing the same thing...though I am trying really hard not to over do it. I threw my back out this week so I have kinda taken a week off.

I would love if Cassandra would like to join the blog too...I would love to get to know her better too...if she wants to, just send me her email and I will invite her.

Well girls, we find out tomorrow if we are doing this thing...I am excited and nervous and giddy all at once. This would be such a major accomplishment for all of us (and something I can cross out on my bucket list).

I will not leave you with this quote:

We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon. Emil Zatopek

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My first three miler and a 0.01% scare!

Today I was running and I got to my one mile marker where I usually turn around to complete my two mile run, but today I kept going to the 1.5 marker.  I have to make sure not to get in my head too much and keep thinking positive! Good luck girls, I'd love to hear how everyone's doing!

On another note I was getting nervous that I might be pregnant (so much for 99.9% accuracy!).  In my head I'm thinking, "I can't run a marathon if I am 9 months pregnant!" But I took the test and it is official, I am NOT expecting! 26.2 miles, here I come! I need to conquer this before I think about baby number 2! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So are we up and RUNNING?!

Is our site okay now? I did not get the pop-up window today saying that this post may be violating bloggerspot....

So today I finally got to run with my running partner Cassandra.  We ran 2+ miles (I've been pretty consistent with that lately!) Rather than starting out walking, according to the schedule, I wanted to get out running so I will have to adjust the weeks I guess.  What do you think?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hello girls!

Okay I am so excited about this! If we don't get in to the Nike women's marathon I will be super bummed, but we could find another cool one, like NYC! So here is the training table I am using (the 26 week one), I thought it might help everyone else. I am only on week two, so we are all starting at the same time with this training! 

I printed mine off and put it on the fridge in a page protector, I am writing notes next to each week and putting any race results in too! I think it will be fun to look back at it when we are done! 

I also thought of something a little daring for us. What do you think about us all posting our measurements and weight now, at the beginning and seeing how our bodies change throughout the training? A little scarry, I know (I had a baby the last out of all of us so I am the most scared!) what do you girls think?

Does anyone know why my first paragraph's spacing is different than the rest?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Day One

Okay, so I was so excited when Brit asked me to run the Nike Marathon with her, but I have not run a lap since college! I have been working out in a gym, but I assume it is WAY different! I also pulled in a colleague to run with us too.  I hope we get in, but I am so nervous!! I started running today, my first two miles of my training, it felt good! I just hope I can do that 13 times!!


I am so excited for this blog...I hope this can be a place where we can encourage each other in our running adventures while getting to know each other too.
Running was never something I really considered to be fun until I discovered the world of 5k and 10k races in 2006. I have so much fun planning out my summer race schedule and setting my goals since then. I am especially excited for this running season...I am so looking forward to the Nike Women's marathon...I hope we get in.
I hope we can post our running stories, pictures, tips and more on this blog. I will post the marathon training schedule that Amanda found on the sidebar so we can be following it and keeping each other accountable.